About Worxz®
The WORXz® ApproachAt a time when most company resource templates are extremely lean and organizations and their leadership struggle with improvement activities that fall outside the normal daily operational requirements, WORXz® can assist you to achieve your goals through your most important resource….your employees. We specialize in guiding organizational improvement through people integrating systems and processes in a manner that promotes and accelerates the timeline for change and performance improvement. Working with your leadership and other key employees, we listen for opportunities to re-engineer relationships and processes by analyzing and proposing organizational improvements that allow you to reach your desired outcomes. We provide the resources and the expertise that assists and clarifies how your organization achieves its performance targets.
A fundamental tenet of WORXz® consulting is the Systems Thinking approach to organizational improvement. We ensure that change efforts consider the whole organization viewed as many integrated systems, knowing that initiatives that optimize one component of the system but sub-optimize the whole, are of little value. Lastly, we evaluate our engagements from a change management perspective in that we want to ensure that the solutions developed are implementable and accepted by the organization in terms of its leadership and employees. We also realize that any improvement initiative must carefully consider the culture in which it will be carried out and there-by assure the initiative's success.
WORXz® offers a wide range of services aimed at enhancing the effectiveness of people and processes within your organization. We understand that solutions are not isolated to discrete processes. Instead, they must be delivered in a systemic, integrated approach incorporating the organization's culture as developed by its leaders and employee interactions. With that perspective, we have described our organizational perspectives and consulting steps in “Services” that are typically introduced and used in our client engagements. However, specific client solutions are always developed on an individual basis reflecting the values and goals of the organization.
The WORXz® focus has evolved in assisting organizations in improving their leadership approach which often affects their systems and processes in a manner that accelerates the timeline for change by involving your employees in targeted training to improve leadership and communication skills. In doing so, WORXz® has developed processes that initiate organizational change by providing the leadership team with the skills to enhance employee involvement and motivation. Most organizational improvement efforts struggle with implementation and associated employee resistance to change. Our guidance reduces the forces that create your resistance by providing your team with the organizational behavior insight and methods to address your organizational improvement objectives.