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Worxz® Services

The WORXZ® approach to organizational transformation has been segmented into seven perspectives. While there is a dynamic relationship between these perspectives, and none is mutually exclusive, these perspectives describe the lens through which we view your organization and the opportunity for WORXz® to assist you.

The perspectives include:

We ensure that change efforts consider the whole organizational system knowing that initiatives that optimize one component of the system but sub-optimize the whole are of little value. Finally, engagements are evaluated from a change management approach. We want to ensure that the solutions developed are implementable and accepted by your organization realizing that any improvement initiative must carefully consider the organizational culture and climate in which it will be carried out, with a strong emphasis on stakeholder support.

Wondering Where to Start?

Looking at your organization as if you could view it from a level which provides a totally unbiased perspective is the first step to any performance improvement. Studying the organization's processes and people in terms of their level of integration, synchronization, and adaptation to the organization's purpose, vision, mission, and goals assures continuity. Imagine that you identify and list organizational improvements that evaporate the undesirable effects that plague the spirit and productivity of your employees. Capture these thoughts and write them down where you can reflect on them and the changes that will be required to achieve your vision; then prioritize the changes that would be required to realize achieving the issues on your list. You’ve now started your first step in diagnosing your organization for improvement.





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