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Performance Metrics

Our practice often finds that executives and managers spend too much time tracking misaligned performance indicators, often focusing time on unimportant measures or indicators outside their scope of control. Front-line employees and supervisors are often uncertain what they are being measured against, and feel they are powerless to influence quality or efficiency. We will help you link your organizations performance indicators to the activities and processes that provide the greatest influence in achieving your business strategy and organizational goals. Our emphasis focuses on helping you identify those metrics that enhance your customer service objectives.

The WORXz® team will assist you in reviewing your organization's performance metrics to assure a sensible state of balance. Utilizing a "Balanced Scorecard" approach, we seek out opportunities to eliminate any competing metrics that may inhibit your organization's functional performance. Balancing your organizational performance metrics and aligning them within future state process mapping is essential in assuring that the organization's momentum is directed toward achieving your organizations competitive strategy.





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